1. Non-fiction book published: "How To Get the Best Buys; The Bargain Hunters Guide to Food, Clothes, Utilities and Health Care," published by Globe Communications, 1997. 2. Editor & Publisher: $avvy Discount$ Newsletter, a national money-saving newsletter, Smyrna, NC, 1994 - present. 3. Writer for 35 years, teacher for 30 years, photographer for 30 years, worked with computers for 15 years. 4. Poems published 1969-1995 in small poetry magazines. 5. Museum show of computer photography: Greenville Museum of Art, North Gallery, 1995. 6. Numerous awards for photography, including Best In Show and First Place, and Finalist in the Museum of Modern Art Competition for North American Artists, 1972-1994. 7. Six one-man shows of photography 1972-1993. 8. Taught children (ages 8 - 15) pin hole photography, Durham, NC & Beaufort, NC, 1977- 1982. 9. Wrote, directed and produced 14 multimedia presentations (generally slide-tape shows including 4 multi-screen slide-tape shows), Durham, NC, 1972-1980. 10. Director: Photography Workshop for Teenagers After School, Durham, NC, 1972-1975. 11. 4 short movie scripts and 1 short play written, 1965-1975. 12. Taught very young children (6 months to 5 years old), Chapel Hill, NC, 1966-1969. 13. Two children books written, 1968-1969. 14. Master of Arts in Communications, UNC - Chapel Hill, NC, 1975. a) Master's Thesis: full length movie script. 15. B.A.in English, with an Honors in Writing, UNC - Chapel Hill, NC, 1966.