Table Of Contents

Earth in dark space

Special note: I have designed this site to be fast and colorful. The quality of the sound is not great but it is the best I can do with today's technology to create a small file that doesn't take a long time to load.

Look for these symbols in the following chapters:

Click here

Means click on these lips
to hear the story read
out loud by the author.


Click here

Means click on this eye
to see a picture.

chapTER 1
Before Time Began

chapTER 2
The Creation of the Universe
or The Big Bang

chapTER 3
The Creation of the Solar System

chapTER 4
The Beginning of Life

chapTER 5
Life in the Forest

chapTER 6 -- Part I
Leaving the Forest

chapTER 6 -- Part II
Leaving the Forest

chapTER 6 -- Part III
Early Humans

chapTER 7
The Beginning of Civilization

THE BEGINNING OF TIME -- Table of Contents

© 1997 by Richard deGaris Doble
all rights reserved
If you would like to publish or reprint any part of this story send me
an e-mail message
with particulars (make the subject Children's Story)